Andy Jarrett // Code. Develop. Create.

Advanced Javascript Console Techniques Every Developer Should Be Aware Of

Developer debugging
Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

If you've missed it, Part 1 of this series is here and the final post is here.

Second part of this short series. This is when I started to really learn something new. It covers methods that offer more advanced features and capabilities for console logging rather than simply dumping variable values.

console.assert(); // Conditional logging
console.assert(1 === 1, "This will not be logged");
console.assert(1 === 2, "This will be logged as an error");
Assertion failed: This will be logged as an error
n.b. This is the method that triggered me to look in to this further. So much better than simply console.log()
console.table(); // Tabular data display
const people = [
  { name: "Alice", age: 30 },
  { name: "Bob", age: 25 }
│ (index) │   name     │ age │
│    0    │   Alice    │ 30  │
│    1    │    Bob     │ 25  │
└─────────┴────────────┴─────┘; and console.groupEnd(); // Grouping console messages"Group 1");
console.log("Message 1");"Group 1.1");
console.log("Message 1.1");
console.log("Message 2");
Group 1
  Message 1
  Group 1.1
    Message 1.1
  Message 2
console.trace(); // Outputting stack traces
function a() {
  function b() {
    console.trace("Trace message");
Trace message
    at b (index.js:3:13)
    at a (index.js:5:3)
    at :1:1
console.count(); and console.countReset(); // Counting log occurrences
console.count("Count label");
console.count("Count label");
console.countReset("Count label");
console.count("Count label");
Count label: 1
Count label: 2
Count label: 1

Why not try it out now in the developer console now? If you're on Chrone/Edge check out this guide.

I’m here, learning and working away. If you liked this content and want to keep me going, consider buying me a coffee. Your support keeps this site running and the coffee brewing! ☕️