Andy Jarrett // Code. Develop. Manage.

Railo is dead, long live Lucee

If you've missed the launch and twitter chatter then you might not know about the new CFML engine in town that's a fork of Railo called Lucee.

Still the same light-weight dynamic scripting language and even has the core of the Railo team behind it (similar to whats just happened with io.js and Node.js). In essence its Railo 4.5 but by forking the code and setting up as a non-profit association funded by members and supporters it helps put the community back at the helm of the source.

That all said and done, whats the upgrade path for us Railo users. Well as I said this just a fork of Railo, so everything works same behind the scene but with just a few enchancements. If you're on a up-to-date patch of Railo like I was then to upgrade is a simple 4 step process:

More specific instructions are on the site

My only gotcha was the Administrator path change from http://dev.local/railo-context/admin/server.cfm to http://dev.local/lucee/admin/server.cfm

Further reading:

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