Framework One for when you don't need a framework pt2
This post follows on from my first part and is all about using a framework for even the most simplest sites.
So our family member, Marvin Acme, has come back with the layout for his ACME gadgets to capture and kill rodents site.
Being a family member means we're getting paid most likely with canned beer and with that in mind they are notgetting me working on stylesheets!
- Create a new folder called layouts in the root of /acme/ and add a file called default.cfm. Inthere place the following snippet:
<cfparam name="rc.pagetitle" default="A.C.M.E"><html><title><cfoutput>#rc.pagetitle#</cfoutput><style>*{font-family:"Comic Sans MS";text-align:center;}<cfoutput>
</cfoutput>A.C.M.E - Outlandish and downright dangerous products