Andy Jarrett // Code. Develop. Create.

Framework One and .cfm requests

If you have used FW/1 you'll probably know that it takes over all .cfm requests. So for example if you add the file "rss.cfm" to your web root before the template is called FW/1 will run and the .cfm template will never actually be processed.

This is the problem I ran in to last night but a quick post to the group and Sean was pointing to me the setting "unhandledPaths". This setting allows you to list a set of file & directory paths that are not to be handled by FW/1. For example:

unhandledPaths = "/rss.cfm,/flex2gateway"

The reason I missed this was down to me using the skeleton app and assuming that commented out were all the settings instead of RTFM at Lesson learnt.

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