This isn't new news to anyone but I thought I should still mention it.I was catching up on an old CFHour() podcast while driving on my commute to the office and back today when one of the Q&A sessions asked whether a ColdFusion'er should blog (they should!). It did make me think about myself and why I don't blog as much recently.I've been blogging in some form or another for some years now but over the last couple of years my posts have dwindled. Not because I have lost interest, since Railo went open source I now host my own server, but because I've been busy with my main work either doing development which is trivial or stuff that's has been blogged about elsewhere. That is not to say I don't come across new issues & fixes but when I do I'm on Twitter talking about them nowadays. I do plan to pick up the blogging as I have quite a few little sidelines projects which I hope to bring up at some point but till then make sure follow me at