A Wee Dram registration and free drinks
Square Pig
30 - 32 Proctor Street
Thursday 25th September 2008, 10am to 6pmWho (Schedule):
10:00 - Key Note - From Adam Lehman & Claude Englebert
11:00 - Break
11:15 - Coldspring by Mark Drew
12:15 - Break
12:30 - RAD Object Oriented CF Development by Peter Bell
13:30 - Lunch
14:15 - High Availability: Clustering ColdFusion Applications by Mike Brunt
15:15 - Break
15:30 - Subversion - better living through branches by Sean Corfield
16:30 - Break
16:45 - Setting up a Solid Level Local Dev Environment by Kurt Wiersma
17:45 - Thank Yous & Raffles
18:00 - Networking in the bar
How much:
£10 on the Door [Cash Only] (Includes 2 Free Drinks + 10% off SOTR09)
Click here to register now