Since moving over to the Mac I haven't had a "Now Playing" on the blog due to licensing issues with the software I was using (new OS = new license). Luckily offer a free feed of your last ten tracks (plus other stuff). You can see the pod in action if you look left now! Below is the pod code for BlogCFC, of course you can just rip the code out and use it for any other CF blog/site. For people that want to rip the code to their own blogs i have add the variable applicaiton._lastFM.feed['feedConsumed'] Using your application scope it will store the feed. For BlogCFC users this is not the case and will get a new copy of the feed EVERY HIT. At the moment I don't know how to do application scope caching per pod. (I think I most of had a full brain lobotomy or something). If anyone knows how then leave a comment and I'll have a dot release<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=true><cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8"><cfset lastFMFeed = "" /><cfif NOT isDefined('applicaiton._lastFM.feed') OR (applicaiton._lastFM.feed['feedConsumed'] LT now())> <cfhttp method="get" url="#lastFMFeed#"> <cfset applicaiton._lastFM.feed = structNew() /> <cfset applicaiton._lastFM.feed['rsscontent'] = cfhttp.filecontent /> <cfset applicaiton._lastFM.feed['feedConsumed'] = dateAdd('n', 3, now()) /> </cfif><cfset feed = xmlParse(applicaiton._lastFM.feed['rsscontent'])><cfset songs = /><cfmodule template="../../tags/podlayout.cfm" title="My recent tracks"> <cfoutput>#applicaiton._lastFM.feed['feedConsumed']# #now()#</cfoutput> <cfoutput> <cfloop from="10" to="#arrayLen(songs)#" index="songidx"> <cfset song = songs[songidx] /> #song['title'].xmltext# </cfloop> My profile CFMX @ </cfoutput> </cfmodule><cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=false>Oh, and if you are on and a CF developer WHY! haven't you joined the ColdFusion Group!