Andy Jarrett // Code. Develop. Create.

BBC iPlayer now for Mac and Linux

This is great news. In an effort to discourage piracy the BBC has released its iPlayer in a Mac OSX and Linux friend Flash version.For those of you know don't know the BBC is essentially a public service broadcaster funded by a licence fee. Such a licence is required to operate a broadcast television receiver within the UK. The cost of a television licence is set by the government and enforced by the criminal law. You pay the fee for NO commercials or political influence and it answers only to its viewers and listeners!The iPlayer is an online Flash player that gives users the chance to catch up on your favourite programs from the past week, in my case the season finale of Spooks :) There is of course digital rights management security embedded so the content will be automatically deleted from your computer once it hits expiry date. But I see that as fair as they are offering it for free and no doubt they will want to make a revenue from DVD sales etc.

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