Removing getProfileString from Galleon
<cffunction name="getSettings" access="public" returnType="struct" output="false" hint="Returns application settings as a structure."> <cfset var r = structNew()> <cfscript> r['dsn'] = "myDSN"; r['perpage'] = "20"; r['fromAddress'] = "[email protected]"; r['rootURL'] = ""; r['sendonpost'] = "[email protected]"; r['dbtype'] = "mysql"; r['tableprefix'] = "galleon_"; r['version'] = "1.7.006"; r['requireconfirmation'] = "true"; r['title'] = "LAYL Forums"; r['fullemails'] = "true"; r['encryptpasswords'] = "false"; r['allowgravatars'] = "true"; r['safeExtensions'] = "zip,tar,jpg,gif,png,wpd,doc,pdf,xls,ppt,txt,odt"; </cfscript> <cfreturn r> </cffunction>
Hopefully in the future I'll change Rays ini file for an XML one and refactor getSettings()