Flex bean wizards and Model Glue bean maker
I came across a problem which meant that the beans created with the Flex RDS plugging for Eclipse wasn't suitable for use with Model Glue.If you use the new RDS feature to create beans you'll notice that the setters look like this:<cffunction name="setFirstname" output="false" access="public"returntype="void"> <cfargument name="val" required="true"> <cfset variables.Firstname = arguments.val></cffunction>

In the find dialogue box put<cfargument name="val" required="true">(.*?)(\\n)(.*?)<cfset variables.(.*?) = arguments.val>
And in the replace box put:<cfargument name="$4" required="true">$1$2$3<cfset variables.$4 = arguments.$4>
You can find out a little more about regex and back validatin in Eclise here at Adam Howitt's Blog