Andy Jarrett // Code. Develop. Create.


Wow, I know it was only a mini conference but it packed a punch. I do want to say thanks to Russ and Niklas for the event and making it a great day. I also want to say hi to everyone I met and took the time to chat, too many mention (and remember) :o) oooo that tequilla can't of been good for me. I missed the beginning with Russ opening and the first few minutes of Ben Forta's talk - who would think going 14 miles would take over an hour at 7:45am (does it show I work from home here)I won't go on about the speakers and there talks. Not because I didn't rate them, they were all good and well presented but there are some good posts already popping up out there and they cover the topics well. And don't forget the photos either. What I do want to say is that the event was brilliant as a whole. I think one of my favourite sayings that I said and heard was "nice to put a faces/voice to the name". I met some brilliant people from the ColdFusion community from people that post to my blog to developers of tools we use everyday, all of which took the time to say hi and pose for a photo (though they didn't have a choice :o) ). Though meeting a few people went something like"Hi I'm Andy Jarrett"
"I know you, you're the joke guy"Maybe I should drop the jokes and start posting Friday code??? Nah. Back to the event; with a good crowd size of roughly 200 it was nice to see a strong community. Though why aren't these people at the CFUG's is one question? In the evening there was a tequila a girl handing out free tequila and a magician walking around who was brilliant though after turning a £10 note into a fifty also had to turn it back...why....why?The only downer (and i'm being picky here) was the no Wifi conenction but Russ did manage to get a hub going in the end though. All I can say is if you didn't go this year make sure you go to the next one.Plus I managed to also win a copy of Flex Builder 2 which made it even made the whole day nicer!

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