Andy Jarrett // Code. Develop. Create.

The moon and Steve Erat

Thank you Steve for killing a good half hour this morning :o)To take you back a bit on this. I was reading Doug Hughes post about Launch with an Astronaut this morning, which is a cool story. Then reading the comments Steve Erat posted about and pointed to Google Moon Maps @ . D'oh, should of turned back then. So after looking at that, zooming in on the moon etc, i also went and found out that this is a part in the development of Google Copernicus Center (and i thought that was just an April fools).Also (just to kill some more time) im pretty sure i've found the Kennedy Space Center near Cape Canaveral on Google maps. Though i did also learn that on the 26th July, Nasa are planning their first space flight since 2003 and the Columbia accident. I hope all goes well.Right, now time to go back to work...

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