CFC and QoQ
CFC and QoQ
I ran into an odd problem today. I was trying to do a Query of a Query (QoQ) inside a CFC function, using a query that was executed in another function. When testing the page, ColdFusion MX (CFMX) returned an error stating that it could not find the first query in memory.
To debug, I created a function just to check whether the query existed, using the following code:
<cfif isDefined("queryName")>
Then, right after calling this method, I added the same check in my ColdFusion page. The setup looked like this:
1. <cfinvoke component="comName" method="originalQuery">
2. <cfinclude template="comName" method="QoQ">
3. <cfif isDefined("queryName")>TRUE<cfelse>FALSE</cfif>
When I ran the page, the output was:
It seems that I will need to assign the this
scope to originalQuery
so that the result can be accessed throughout the CFC. I haven’t had time to test this yet (it’s the weekend—woohoo!), but I’ll look into it later unless someone already knows the reason why?